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Are you ready to begin a journey towards activating abundance and embracing holistic well-being, integrating both the financial and personal aspects of your life?


In this collaborative healing journey, we will delve into the connection between your body, subconscious mind, childhood wounds, and financial behaviors, utilizing a blend of somatic experiencing, inner child healing, archetype work, and money-healing techniques. 


I will support you as you identify, address, and integrate the somatic imprints and any unresolved emotions and beliefs related to money that might be impacting your financial decisions today. By incorporating somatic healing, inner child financial reparenting, archetypal work, and practical financial strategies, our aim is to help you build more capacity in your nervous system to create  sustainable and empowering relationship with your emotions, leading to an empowered relationship with your finances.


I am honored that you have chosen me as your guide! 

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Please choose what works best for you at this time:

Financial Confidence

In this session, we will work on expanding you nervous system so you can increase your capacity for money,

and create a strategy for you to MAKE BANK!!


Think of this as a mini coaching program. Your session will include 7 days of email support following our session.


$350 USD

3- Month Program

This is a 3-month program that includes 9 x 60min sessions designed to help you release and clear out underlying emotional wounds that create scarcity mindset, and create a financial plan that will bring in more freedom and abundance in your life.

Total cost $3,000 USD. 
Payment Plans Available  

Got questions? Email me, or book a quick call here.
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